Tips For Creative Web Design

Websites are ten a penny these days, to stand out from the crowd you need to be creative and go where others haven’t. Whether you are using a creative web design agency, customising a web template or building from scratch, your aim should be to stay ahead of the curve. Here are some simple tips and tricks for doing so.

  • Say goodbye to boring static backgrounds by creating a dynamic and visual web experience for your visitors using video backgrounds. You can do this by fitting a large video screen in the back space of your homepage.
  • Another hot design trend is having a simple colour scheme to make your site look beautiful. It is one of the hottest design trends of the year and is simple to do. Use a base of monochromatic colours and then add a pop of vibrancy with an accent colour.
  • Get creative and try using a unique style or perspective. Opt for an aerial view of your website rather and the more common front-facing view. Combining this with a video background can give your readers a bird’s eye view of you at work.
  • If you are a boutique business, creative company or even a PR company try making your website look a little more rustic or ‘DIY’. Use fun textures, cut-out elements and ‘hand-drawn’ illustrations to give it a more intimate feel.

Hardy Homepage Tips

SEO companies offer more than lists of the keywords you should be using. Depending on your needs they can create stunning websites, build social media feeds, and support your entire online strategy. This could include using other marketing channels and tools like text messaging software, email marketing software, marketing automation or chatbot software, and more.

Your homepage is the window to the soul of your website. On average, you have eight seconds to convince your visitor to stay on your site once they are there. Email marketing software can also help you to make the successful marketing campaign to generate more leads.

It is not a lot of time, but it is enough if your homepage contains the right information and is arranged logically. Whether you create your own, or use the services of a retail design agency your homepage needs to contain all your key information in brief. It should capture the interest and imagination of the visitor so that they need to explore further. This should include a little about your company and the key products or services that you offer.

Key news and upcoming events can also be on the homepage, again in brief with links to the full stories. When adding recent news however, it is important to ensure that it is updated regularly, otherwise your website will look uncared for. Your website homepage is a place to be bold and this means adding a call to action button to push the visitor towards the action you want them to take while on your site. Lastly, remember that all of this will need to be previewed and tested with your SEO consultant before it goes live.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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